Thursday, February 23, 2012

Staff Profile: Christian

We have some awesome people working out here at Integrity Hills and we want to show them off! We realized we can't keep their wonderfulness all to ourselves so we are going to start sharing with you some staff profiles. Some might look familiar to you because they are out and about on property, but some you might not recognize because they specialize in the ever so important behind the scenes tasks. 

We had each staff member fill out a little questionnaire so that you could get to know them better. We got some great responses so we hope you enjoy these posts! 

Introducing CHRISTIAN!

Christian is 16 years old and works as a server at Integrity Hills. 

Here are his questionnaire answers.

What are some of your favorite hobbies when you are not working?
Playing music, sports, working out.

If you were an animal what would you be, and why?
Cheetah, because they are the fastest animal.

If you were stranded on a desert island what one thing would you wish you had with you?
A smoke signal kit. 

If you were taking a dream vacation where would you go and why?
Probably to Europe because there is so much to see so close together. 

What is an interesting fact about you that not very many people know?
I can't snap my fingers.

What is something that you have witnessed at an Integrity Hills event that has been out of the ordinary?
A guy doing a back flip during a dance contest who came up short... ouch. 

What is something you have learned from working at Integrity Hills?
Endurance. Trying to keep a good attitude when exhausted. 

Do you have any future plans for the next 3-5 years of your life, and if so what are they?
Finish high school and hopefully attend College of the Ozarks. 

Christian we are so proud of you and so thankful for all your hard work! You are truly a blessing to be around. You are so diligent and so much fun! Keep it up!

FUN FACT: Christian also has quite a few family members that work at Integrity Hills as well so keep an eye out for some more staff profiles! 

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