Thursday, February 9, 2012

Drum roll please......

We are so thrilled to be able to share this gorgeous new addition to the chapel with you! We LOVE how they turned out and they have already been so helpful with the glare that comes through the large front windows. We are so glad you still are able to see the beautiful view without fear of getting a headache! Here are a few photos from the day that they went up and the first photos taken in the chapel with them up and ready to go!

 The drapes all lined up and ready to be hung. 

 Jim Willer hard at work hanging all of the drapes.
We are so pleased with his work. 

 Almost finished! Just doing the final touches!

Linda with Pro Drapery and Upholstery, Janice the Interior Designer, and Jim the installation pro!! We appreciate all three of you so much!

 Ta Da!!

We are so glad they blend right in with the already established decor in the chapel. We are starting to forget what it looked like without them! 

We love them so much. Once again we are so glad to share this exciting new addition with you and so thankful that you have taken an interest in Integrity Hills. Check back soon for the next entry!


  1. I remember what It looked liked before. The front was so beautiful, Sad to see it change from the beautiful clean modern look and not have the cross as a focal point. Non glare glass or window tinting would have been a better solution. Not a big fan of draperies. Hope no one decides to put draperies in Thorn Crown Chapel.

  2. Also not a big fan of the drapes, especially the white rod that sticks out and doesn't blend well with the rustic chapel look and feel. Hope you guys take another look at this before our wedding in October! I understand the need to reduce the glare for photography and video, but a little more investment on the tinting of the windows would have definitely helped sustain the beautiful feel of the inside of the chapel. Just my 2 cents as a paying customer :)
